


Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)

Classroom AUP

Linked above you will find Ms. Hamby's classroom AUP


Copyright & Fair Use

Linked above you will find an overview of what Copyright and Fair Use is and attached websites with more information.



Linked above you will find an overview of what to do when cyberbullying occurs and attached websites with more information.


Online Safety

Linked above you will find an a brief guide for being safe online and attached websites with more information.


Parent AUP Template

Linked above you will find a parent AUP template and an explantion on why you might want to implement an AUP at home.



Linked above you will find an overview of what plagiarism is and attached websites with more information.





Advocacy | Announcements | AUP | Digital Citizenship | FAQ | Parent | School | Activities | Student | Teacher | Technology