




How will you respond if or when my child struggles in class?

When I notice that a child is struggling in my class I will first set up a meeting with their other teachers to see if they struggling in their other classes. If they are then we will discuss what may be the root issue and develop a plan of action to proceed with helping the student. If the student is only struggling in my classroom, then I will set up a meeting with the student to discuss what is going on and develop a plan of action. This may be setting up further meetings with the counselor or developing a study plan with the student.


How are creativity and innovative thinking used on a daily basis in your classroom?

I advocate for student choice and freedom when it comes to developing solutions to presented problems and while creating models and presentations. Within the classroom students are driven to develop critical thinking skills and creativity through guided and open inquiry research projects. Students will think outside of the box to develop solutions to open ended questions and design lab experiements to test their hypotheses.


How is critical thinking used on a daily basis in your classroom?

The majority of our assignments are based on open ended questions. Open ended questions don't have one answer so, students will have to research and critically think through the problem to develop a unique answer.


What can I do to support literacy in my home?

Reading with your child and providing them with a variety of books will motivate your child to read and develop a love for reading. If need help finding books for your child you can email me or call the school and I will send recommended books home with your child.


What kinds of questions do you suggest that I ask my children on a daily basis about your class?

I will upload a five-minute check-in after every school day to our class website. There will be five quick questions that you can ask you child to check their understanding. I also suggest that you ask your child about their homework load and how they are feeling mentally. Students can get bogged down as the school year progresses and sometimes just asking how they're feelings can pick them back up.


How exactly is learning personalized in your classroom? In the school?

Learning is personalized in my classroom with year long portfolios on each child that will follow them through their educational career in the district. We update and keep record of their formative and summative assessments. This allows for both the teachers and school to track each student's progress and learning.


How do you see the role of the teacher in the learning process?

As a teacher I feel that my role is both as a facilitator and guider of student learning. During direct instruction my role is to be the source of knowledge for the students and directly guide their understanding. During inquiry learning my role is to be a facilitator of student learning. I will guide the students through their inquiry, but it is on them to answer the proposed questions with student-led research.


How do I help my child with technology when I don't know anything about it?

Youtube will be your bestfriend! And the Internet... And if you still can't find the answers you are looking for you can always email me.


How can I help my child be successful in school?

Getting involved with your child's school and activities will be huge for helping your child be successful in school. Volunteer in the classroom, know what they are learning in the classroom, and have open communication with their teachers. Having open communication with your child's teachers will ultimately set your child up for success, because teachers don't always know what's going on at home or in the family.


What academic standards do you use, and what do I need to know about them?

In my classroom we follow the Arkansas State Standards posted on the Arkansas Department of Education website. The standards are the basis for all of my lessons and assessments, and learning objectives. By understanding the state standards you will understand why I develop my lessons the way I do.



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