1. How can I stay up-to-date with what is happening in the classroom?
A: I send out monthly newsletters that include information about what we are learning, our goals for the month, and ways that parents can get involved in the classroom. You are also free to email me anytime with questions or concerns! madison.barnett@smail.astate.edu

2. What is for lunch this week?
A: You can find a monthly school lunch menu on the Parent Information Page!

3. How can I help my child with technology when I know nothing about it?
A: Homework involving technology is just like any other homework. Ask your child questions such as "What are you learning this week?" and "What are you trying to accomplish?" to help lead you both in the right direction. Most times I will not assign work that must be done using technology for at home to avoid this problem altogether. If you have more questions about this later on feel free to email me!

4. How can my child be successful in school?
This is a great question that has a ton of answers. The best answer that I can give is to become involved! Immerse yourself in your child's education and encourage them to try their best. One of my advocacy issues is about parent involvement in children's education, and I encourage you to check it out! Click here for more information!

5. What homework is assigned this week?
I try to avoid assigning a lot of homework and instead focus on in depth classroom instruction because I have found that a lot of homework tends to discourage students from learning, but any homework I have assigned will be posted on my Homework page.

6. How is my child behaving in school?
This is a question I would love to answer via email or in person meeting! Email me, send a note with your child, or talk to me at pick up about a meeting time!

7. How will you respond if my child struggles in class?
I am a very avid advocate for differentiated instruction! This means that I tailor my teaching to your child's learning style. I give regular classroom assessments to gauge where all students are at in their instruction and target where they have weaknesses. If I see that certain students are struggling in one area and others are struggling in another area, I will split those students up into "groups" where each group gets the targeted instruction they are missing.

8. If my child has an Individualized Education Plan (IEP), how will you handle this in the classroom?
Whatever accomodations or special instruction your child's IEP says they need, I will adapt to for your child. I will also stay in close contact with your child's special education teacher (if they have one) to ensure that we are both on the same page with the instructional needs of your child. All children deserve the opportunity to learn in a regular classroom environment, and I will do my best to ensure they benefit to the fullest extent from my instruction!

9. How do you see the role of the teacher in the classroom?
Each child is their very own person who has their own needs and interests. Children have the right to decide what they want to learn (to an extent). I, the teacher, am here to guide students on the right path and instill a love of learning that inspires them to want to learn about themselves, the world around them, and how the world works. Teachers are not always correct about everything. I recognize that sometimes I will make mistakes, but I strive to be the reason your children love to learn and learns to love. By learn to love I do not mean love like that that exists between two people, instead I mean learn for the sake of loving others.

10. What is your availability?
I am almost always available to answer question or talk about your child's progress. All you have to do is email me or catch me after class for a meeting time!

My Email:


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