Frequently Asked Questions

1. How can I know what my child missed in class today?

I will post my lesson plans on my website. You should be able to see what the class covered that day on that page.

2. What if I cannot pick my students homework up when they miss class?

Homework will be posted on my website under the Homework tab on the Homepage. There a person can see the homework by nine weeks. Parents can look at the lesson plan for that day and determine which worksheet to do (it will state it in the lesson plan).

3. How can I contact you?

You can contact me by email, by our messaging app, the school phone, or by letter sent to school with your student.

4. What will my student be expected to learn by the end of this year?

This year your student will be expected to learn all of the standards that are before 2nd grade. Here is the link to the Arkansas State Standards.

5. How can I help/be more involved in my student’s academics/schoolwork?

As a parent or guardian, you can do a number of things to help your student succeed this year. Motivation is also a big part of helping your child succeed. Here is a link to my parental involvement page.

6. What do you suggest that I do as a parent to help myself understand what my student learns in class every day?

To be able to help me teach your child some concepts, such as phonemic awareness, you need to have background and understanding of how to go about teaching it. You are always welcome to come sit in with the class.

7. My child seems to be falling behind the others, what now?

First, I will assess if the student is having problems in the classroom due to a fixable issue or the student has a learning disability. Then, I will either fix the issue or contact the school’s learning specialist for more guidance (a process in which you, the parents, will be notified and included in).

8. How will you help my student who has a learning disability in your classroom?

This really depends on the type of learning disability that the student has. If the student requires full-time one on one help, I will have to have assistance from a teacher aide. I would love for you to contact me in order to best answer this question.

9. What blocks does my student have during the week?

The blocks for my classroom are always from 10:00 am until 10:50 am. The blocks are as follows: Monday- p.e., Tuesday- health, Wednesday- art, Thursday- Music, Friday- no block.

10. I work a lot and am not always able to let my child read to me. Is there someone else that he/she can read to and get the form signed?

Your child has many options for this. He/she can go to the after-school tutoring group and get it signed by one of the aides there, they can read it to an older sibling, or any other adult. Of course, this must all be verified with me first.