Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the best way to contact me?

The best way to contact me is by email. You can find my emails here. If you are in need of an immediate response call the office number and ask for me.

2. What school supplies does my child need?

A supply list will be given to the parents and guardians at open house. Schools' lists by grades are usually available at local stores. At anytime of the school year you are welcome to email me to ask me what school supplies your child needs.

3. What needs to be done if my child is absent?

It is preferably to notify me that your child will be absent. Please let know at least a day before. It is understandable that under some circuoumstances you will not be able to notify me a day before. If your child wakes up sick please just email at any convenient. I will reply to your email as soon as possible with instructions of what your child needs to do to catch up in class.

4. How can I make verify if my child has homework?

The homework website will always be updated with new homework assignments. Incase the hardcopy of the homework assignment is lost or destroyed you can always have access to any homework assignment here.

5. How can I become more involved in school activities?

If you are looking to become more involved in school activities click here for the school's parental involvement plan.

6. What can I do if my child is struggling with homework or a project?

Under the parent information page and student information page I have provided websites that can be used as resources.

7. What is the current lunch menu?

You can find the monthly lunch menu for breakfast and lunch here.

8. Where can I look for upcoming events?

A newsletter will be sent home with the students at the beginning of each month. The current newsletter is always available in the announcements page.

9.  What are the rules on food for special events such as birthdays and halloween party?

Any food such as cupcakes or chips are accepted for special events but the items have to be store-bought and un-opened. Please keep in mind some students may have food allergies. Feel free to ask me for a list of the food allergies of which students have before purchasing any treats.

10. What is your education philosophy?

To view Ms. Leticia's philosophy click here.