Classroom Announcements

Halloween Party: Our classroom Halloween party will be on October 31, from 12 PM to 2 PM. We will be having ice cream sundaes, so please dress your child in something that they can possibly get messy in.

Halloween Party Supply Form

Spelling Test: We will have our weekly spelling test on Wednesday (10/30) instead of Thursday (10/31.) Please go over the spelling words with your children at home this week!

Can Drive: We are officially the winners of the Classroom Can Drive, all thanks to you! Our classroom will recieve our FREE pizza party next Friday (November 22, 2019.)

Here is a spreadsheet, created to show the data from the Can Drive!

Can Drive Spreadsheet

Scholastic Book Fair: Our yearly book fair will begin November 4th, and will last throughout the week, ending on November 8th, 2019. If you would like to send money for your child, place the money in a labeled envelope in their take home folder. Your child will have an opportunity during our weekly library visit to purchase their items.