Frequently Asked Questions

How can I contact you?

 You are welcome to email me at any time with questions or concerns. You can find my email address below.

How can I see how well my student is doing in your class?

All of my grades will be posted on HAC (home access center). You can log into your student's account and see all fo their grades from this website. I have linked the login page below.


How can I contact the front desk in the office?

The phone number for the school's office is 501-833-1190.

How can I stay updated on announcements for the school and important things going on in the classroom?

I will post announcements on the school announcement and parent announcement pages with any information that I feel is important for you to be aware of.

What is your homework policy?

I will do my best to only assign work that can be completed during class time, but unfortunately there will be times when your child must bring home their work. Whether that means that we were not able to complete it in class or they have to make up work that they have missed, I will try my best to keep it to a minimum.

How can I schedule a conference with you?

When it is time for parent - teacher conferences at the end of each nine weeks I will send out a Google form for you to fill out with your prefered meeting times. If you wish to meet with me at any other time during the year you can email me and we can set up a time to meet. I have put my email address below for your use.

How do I know what rules you have put in place for your classroom?

I have created an Acceptable Use Policy that lists the rules for my classroom. You can click the link below to view it.

Acceptable Use Policy

Can I come up to the school to have lunch with my child?

Yes, you are more than welcome to come eat lunch with your child any day! Just make sure that you sign in with the office as soon as you get here.

How can I know what is being served in the cafeteria each day?

I will post a weekly menu that you can view to see what will be served. You can click the link below to see it.

Lunch Menu

Am I allowed to attend events like field trips with my child?

Yes, parents are encourage to attend every event that we host, even field trips. It is all up to you if you want to participate with the class.