Parent Announcements

9-1-2019 : Please take a moment to fill out the form that I have attached so that I can have some information about how to contact you regarding your student and how you might like to volunteer with our classroom!

Parent Information Form

10-15-2019 : We will be having a fall bash at the school on Halloween night from 6:00-8:30. All families are welcome to join us in our festivities! If you are able, I ask that you each send one bag of candy with your student for the fall bash by October 30th. Thank you in advance!

11-14-2019 : We will be taking a field trip to the Museum of Discovery next friday, November 22nd. Please fill out the permission slip that was sent home with your student today and send $3 with them for the trip by next Tuesday, November 19th if you wish for them to attend.

12-2-2019 : We will be having a Christmas party in our classroom on Friday December 13th. I ask that you please send $5 with your students so that I can purchase pizza and drinks for our festivities. I have linked a copy of the Christmas party flyer for you to refer to in regards to the time and things of that nature.

Christmas Party Flyer


Thank you so much for the love and support that you show  both me and your students! They are all a blessing in my classroom this year! I will post any further announcements here.

If you have any questions please email me!