Dear Parents,

In order to help hold students accountable for their actions I have created an acceptable use policy. This contains our class rules and the consequences that they will receive if they break these rules. I have asked each student to sign their copy of the policy to after reading through it. I asked them to do this so that they can be held accountable for their actions and the consequences that they will receive. I also ask that you sign this policy as well so that I can ensure that you are aware of my expectations for your children and the consequences that they may face if they break the rules.

I also encourage you to write up a similar policy for your home. I believe that this helps students to understand their expectations and the consequences that they may face and if they are aware of these things it can help to deter them from breaking these rules. It also helps to hold them accountable because they have signed saying that they agree to obey the rules that you have established. I have written a template that you are welcome to use if you wish to compose your own home policy.

Thank you,

 Ms. McClung