Frequently Asked Questions


How can I contact you?

You can email me at, or send me a message through the Class Dojo app.

What is my child having for lunch?

The lunch menu can be found here. It is updated weekly.

How do I know what is going on in the classroom?

Reminders, events, and news are posted each month in our class newsletter. They can be found here.

Where can I find out about school events and holidays?

The school calendar can be found here.

What will my child do if school is closed due to weather?

Parents will be notified about school closings through the school Remind system, as well as on the school website. Students will take home Alternative Method of Instruction (AMI) packets that should be completed on these days.

What if my child is absent?

Please notify the office of your child's absense so I can prepare a take home packet for them to complete. I will send it to the office so it can be picked up at your convenience.

Can I attend the class parties?

Yes, of course! Parents are always welcome to join our celebrations. If you would like to bring snacks they must be store bought to ensure the safety of all students.

Does my child have homework to complete?

The homework page is organized by subject and is updated weekly.

What do I do if I need to pick up my child early?

Please let the office know so they can notify me and I can make sure your child is ready to leave at that time.

What if my child is going home with another student?

Please send a note with your child or email me so I can make sure they get where they need to go.


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