Frequently Asked Questions

How can I contact you?
My email is! Feel free to send me one anytime, I always check.

Am I allowed to eat with my child for lunch?

Absoutely! Please call the office prior to your childs lunch time to give them a notice.

How can I know what homework my child has coming up?
All homework is posted on my homework page, click this link to access.

Where can I access the school website?
I have the school website posted on my annoucements page, but here is the link as well!
School Website

What time does your class have lunch/recess?
Lunch: 11-11:35, Recess: 11:40-12:00

When is school out for holidays?
Follow this link to access the school calendar!

Are there any events coming up?

Yes! Go to the School page and click on community information.


Where can I get help for a subject?

Follow the link to the student page, and look through the websites I have selected to help within each subject.


Do you need any supplies?

Yes, we are in need of tissues, glue sticks, and scissors. Any donations would be greatly appreciated.


Do you have a newsletter for December?

Yes, you can access it here!



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