Frequently Asked Questions

Will my child have homework?

We have some homework. The first week of every month will be spent reading the same book each night and there will be one or two more assignments a month.

Can I bring snacks for my child's birtday?

Absolutely! Email me at ahead of time and we will get everything set up!

We will be going out of town for vacation, can I get my child's work ahead of time?

You absolutely can! I can get it ready for you in a week from request or your child can make it up when they return to school. Have so much fun!

What is the best way to contact you?

The best way to contact me is at, but you can also call the school, send notes in your child's daily folder, or set up a conference with me.

What can I do to help with reading at home?

Under the parent tab, I have linked many useful websites for you! There are quite a few on there related to reading. I would also encourage exploring the language arts section of the student websites and finding different books on there to practice reading at home. These books are all virtual and free!

Is there anything you recommed we should have at home (technology, flash cards, books, etc.)?

The biggest thing we use in my classroom is our tecnology! We use it for videos, books, games, quizzes, and so much more. With access to interent and your child's school computer, they will be able to do pretty much anything for our class!

Do you need anything for the classroom?

We can always use Clorox Wipes, Kleenex, Germ-X, or other supplies to help fight the spread of Covid-19. We can always use extra art supplies like glue, markers, crayons, etc. You are more than welcome to email me at and I can let you know specifics!

What can I do to continue the learning when my child gets home?

I always encourage having your child read to you, doing math flashcards, working with spelling and sightwords, and allowing them to play around on the links I have provided under the student useful websites and resources tab. There is so much good stuff on there, the learning will never stop!

How is bad behavior handled?

Our classroom is focused around redirection and positive reinforcement. Negative words and outdated ways of discipline will be put to the side. You can always refer to our acceptable use policy to see specifics or contact me at and we can discuss further!

Does the class go on any field trips?

Yes! We will have many virtual experiences, but there will be a couple in person field trips as well! Under announcements you can find all of the details about our zoo trip. We will also take a visit to the nature center and maybe another as well. I will send out details on everything as soon as get all of them set in stone!