New Teacher Mentorship


More often than not, new teachers struggle excessively with curriculum development, time managment, paperwork demands, committee and meeting requirements, classroom management, and upholding the energy and enthusiam through exhaustion to keep students actively engaged. This is not only first year teachers. This is said to be true for first through fifth year teachers. Although teachers do their best to be the professional and knowledge leader of their classroom, sometimes they just need more support! 

New teacher mentorship is an imperative part of teacher eduaction as well as teacher success. Not only does new teacher mentorship contribute to teacher success, it contributes to students success as well. If teachers are not well prepared and well supported, they cannot adequately and productively teach out children. According to Dr. Anthony Muhammad, "teacher failure is worse than student failure, when one student fails, that one student suffers, but when one teacher fails, thirty students fail."

For more information about new teacher mentorship, please visit the links below.
7 Important Considerations When Mentoring New Teachers
Three Common Problems
A Fresh Look