Education Reform

The need for change is NOW! Our government has become so reliant on testing that our children are suffering. A child's intelligence cannot be determined by a single test. A child's significance to our world cannot be measured based on a scale of comparison. We have to stop assigning our children a number and start developing their character. We have to stop chunking our children into groups of below, at or above average proficiencies and start discovering their passions. We have to stop telling them where they need to be and start meeting them where they are. We have to stop teaching to the test and start teaching to life. We need to allow our children to be children. We need to encourage their strengths and develop their weaknesses. We need to teach them skills that will help them live as a productive and successful member of society instead of a professional test taker.

In order for these things to happen, we must reform our education system. We must reach out to our mayors, senators and govenors. We must become advocates for our children! We must stand up and stand out and do our part to create better learning, environments and resources and in conjunction, better futures for our children!

Education Reform: A Path Forward • Dr. Reagan Flowers

For more information about education reform, please visit the links below.
Center for Education Reform
Education Reform Now
When Testing Takes Over
Time Magazine