
According to the Oxford dictionary, plagiarism is the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own. Plagiarism can be deemed a crime and can also be detrimental to a person’s academic career. For example, if I would not have stated that the first sentence of this paragraph came from the Oxford dictionary, I would be plagiarizing.

Information From AUP Document: Do not copy anyone’s work. It is considered cheating AND plagiarism and is a crime. Do not take any information off of the internet without giving credit to the person who put it there. This is considered plagiarism and is also a crime. If you are unsure if you can use something off of a website or other source, please ask the teacher.

My Thoughts on Plagiarism: I hope that you understand that if your student plagiarizes in my classroom, I have to report it as well as give them detention. I will also have to give that student a zero for that assignment. There are no excuses for plagiarizing. I would rather receive the work late than it be plagiarized.

The websites below allow people to learn more about what plagiarism is, how to avoid it, and the consequences that plagiarism can have.

Plagiarism for Parents

10 Tips on Plagiarism for Students

Possible Consequences of Plagiarism