Class Rules and Consequences

Class Rules:

  1. Raise your hand to speak.

  2. Follow directions.

  3. Listen when others are talking.

  4. Respect yourself, others, and school property.

  5. Always do your best.

  6. No bullying of any kind.

Class Consequences:

  1. The teacher will decide how serious the punishment should be and can give a more severe punishment if she so chooses. There are no exceptions.

  2. First Offense: A warning will be given by the teacher to the student.

  3. Second Offense: Student loses 10 minutes of recess and/or has to write the pledge 5 times.

  4. Third Offense: Student has to do an extra assignment and/or the teacher contacts the guardian and principal.

  5. If a student breaks or damages something, they and their guardian(s) are responsible for replacing said thing.

  6. Cyberbullying/bullying of any kind will not be tolerated. Students are held accountable for their actions and the principal will get notified of such actions. The principal will have the final say in this situation.