Frequently Asked Questions

Question 1: How can I contact you?

Answer: You can email me at at any time and you can call the school number and have it transferred to me during school hours. The school number is (870)333-4444.

Question 2: My child needs modifications in the classroom. Will the teacher meet these modifications?

Answer: If a child has an IEP, the teacher is required to make certain that the child receive the modifications that they need to insure a quality education. Teachers also modify their lessons to meet the needs of their students based on their professional observations and their knowledge of student backgrounds.

Question 3: Who can pick up my child from school?

Answer: The only people who can pick up your child from school are those on the pick-up list in the office. You can visit the office and add new names if you need to at any time.

Question 4: If my child needs to call me, will they be able to?

Answer: Your child's phone will be off during school hours. If a student needs to call their parents they can notify the teacher and they will be able to use the class phone or the teacher will allow them to turn their own phone on briefly.

Question 5: If I need to call my child during school hours, what will I do?

Answer: Call the office and ask to speak with your child's teacher. They can alert the child that you're on the phone.

Question 6: What happen if there is a snow day?

Answer: Your child will have an AMI packet sent home or assigned on Google Classroom. You will receive an email from the teacher on that day.

Question 7: What happens if my child receives three marks in class?

Answer: If your child receives three marks, they will be sent to the principal's office and you will be sent a letter.

Question 8: Can I do anything to help the class?

Answer: Absolutely! I will be sending out emails with newsletters and lists of materials that you might have around the house for certain projects throughout the year. You can also volunteer to go on field trips and bring snacks to class parties.

Question 9: What happens if I miss my Parent-Teacher Conference?

Answer: You can just email me and we can set up a different time! I completely understand that life happens sometimes.

Question 10: What kinds of things can I be doing at home to help my child's educational growth?

Answer: There are many things you can do to help your child's educational growth. You can help them stay on track with their homework, read books with them, and take them to museums and events that will be educational. There is a Parent's Websites Page on the Parent's portion of this Website that will give you more ideas.