Computer Rules


Rule #1- Cell phones should be off in class. If there is an emergency, tell me and I'll help you know what to do.


Rule #2- If there is free time, students may only be on the computers for 20 minutes in a 90 minute class period. Exceptions to this may be given by the teacher and does not include time spent in class working on projects or writing papers for class. 

Rule #3- Students must treat all technology with respect. If you purposefully break a pair of class headphones, you’ll not be to use another pair. You’ll be responsible for bringing a pair for yourself for future use. Also, please gently type on the keyboard. 

Rule #4- Students should not delete or destroy someone else’s work on any type of device. Unless otherwise instructed, try to leave the computer and the computer settings the same way you found them.  

Rule #5- If more than one student wants to use a type of technology, 15 minute turns will be taken  (unless otherwise directed by the teacher).



Failure to follow the Rules for Technology may result in loss of technology use during free time or some other loss of privileges in the classroom or with technology. Breaking Rules #1-3 may result in a single mark, loss of technology privileges, or being sent to the principal depending on the incident.