Acceptable Use Policy for Home

Dear Parents,

By now you should have received the class Acceptable Use Policy.  Please go over it with your child to make sure they understand what is expected of them.  Although our class focuses mainly on Science and Mathematics, we will require use of the internet every so often.  That being said, it is important for your child to know about safety guidelines, internet etiquette, and when they should request help in certain situations.  Once you have read through everything, please initial, sign, and date in the appropriate areas.  I will also include a template so you might construct your own Acceptable Use Policy for your household, please feel free to use it.  By setting guidelines and having them in an area where they will be seen, it will help you hold your child accountable.  It is also important to be aware of what they do on the internet, if they follow the same rules at home as they do at school, it could protect them in the future.  Looking forward to a great year with your child in my class!  Please contact me via email if you have any questions!



Ms. Plunkett

Here is an attachment of the template!

AUP for Home