Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How can I contact Mrs. Kristen?

A: Contact me anytime through my email

Q: It is my child's birthday. Can I send cupcakes or little treat bags?

A: Yes, please contact me through email first, send enough for the whole class, and make sure its store bought and nut free products.

Q: Am I allowed to eat with my child for lunch?

A: Absolutely! Please call the office prior to your child's lunch time to give them a notice.

Q: Do you need any supplies?

A: Yes, we need hand sanitizers, tissues, glue sticks, and scissors. Any donations would be greatly appreciated.

Q: How do I know if my child has homework or not?

A: Students will be sent home with a folder each week. Guardians must sign a form inside the folder before sending it back to the school with their child. All homework assignments are uploaded on my website as well.

Q: What time is my child expected to be in class before being counted tardy?

A: Our schools tardy bell rings at 8:05 A.M.

Q: How will my child take their medication at school? 

A: All medicines are turned into the school nurse's office, and he/she will keep them there. Your child will be called out of class at the time they are supposed to take their medicine.

Q: Where do I pick up my child if he/she is a car rider?

A: They can be picked up from the elementary door. Parents will have to be seen by the teacher before they can be allowed to go with them. Any unauthorized person picks up a child needs to speak to personal at front office before they are allow to pick up any child.

Q: Where can I get the lunch menu?

A: There is a link under parents that gives you access to the lunch menu. You can print it off anytime, they will also be sent home at the beginning of each month.

Q: Is there any extra credit opportunities?

A: Extra credit will be available throughout the year and notes will be sent home with the child when something becomes available.