How do I contact the teacher?
    You can contact me through email or through calling. To contact me through email, email me at kaeleigh.colston@smail.astate.edu. To call me, call the school and they will let me know that I have a call.

How can I help out with classroom parties?
    Everyone is welcome to help out with classroom parties! Prior to parties I will send home flyers and sign up sheets for food and items. Guests will need to check in at the office before coming to the classroom.

How can I make sure that I bring something safe for each child to eat at parties?
    There is an allergen list that is included on the sign up sheets. It is anonymous, so the children's names are not listed with the allergen. Please do not bring any items that contain the allergen. I will double check all items and so will the school nurse. Food items must be store bought. Allergens are taken very seriously.

How much homework do you give students?
    I don't give students homework. I believe that students should spend time after school playing, because play is important to a child's development.

Will I be able to see my child's work?
    Yes! Your child's work will be sent home with them in their red folder. Announcements and newsletters will be in the red folder as well.

What do I do if my child's way home has changed?
    Contact the school, and they will let me know. You can also write a letter and put it in your child's red folder. I will get it when I check folders.

What supplies do I need to purchase?
    Instead of purchasing supplies, all you have to do is provide a supply fee of $25. Teachers do the shopping for the supplies to save the stress for you!

What is open house?
    Open House is the night when I get to meet parents and students, and parents and students get to meet their teachers! Students get to see their classrooms as well as find out where they will be sitting. It is very exciting!

What is your classroom number?
    My classroom is on the Kindergarten hallway, room 310.

Are there any forms I need to fill out?
    Yes! There are a few forms to fill out, but those will be provided at open house. I can't wait to meet you!