
-On Friday, October 26th, we will be taking a class field trip to a pumpkin patch! Each child will need to wear their class tee and bring a sack lunch. If you would like to chaperone this field trip, please fill out the chaperone form that was sent home in your child's red folder and send it back with your child by October 12th. This is going to be a fun trip full of hayrides, pumpkin picking, corn mazes, and so much more!!

-Thursday, November 16th will be our annual Thanksgiving Play. The students have already started practicing some of their lines during their activitiy courses and they are VERY excited to perform!! The play will be that evening from 6:00 pm - 6:30 pm, with dinner following. Feel free to invite family and friends out!

-Monday, December 17th, will be our Christmas Party! It will begin at 8:00 am and will last until dismissal, which is at noon. We will have food and movies, as well as activities. Sign up sheets for chaperones and for students to bring food will be sent home in December.
