Classroom Rules

1. Keep your hands to yourself, and don't touch other student's belongings.
2. Respect one another and treat others the way you would want to be treated.
3. Raise your hand before saying something, that way everyone gets to hear eachother's thoughts.
4. Ask me before going to the restroom or nurse's office so I know where you are when you are not in the classroom.
5. Let's keep a positive attitude and have a GREAT year!!


Consequences for breaking rules:

1. Warning: I will give you a verbal warning if you break the rules. After this verbal warning, you are expected to correct your actions.

2. Note sent home: If you continue breaking the rules, you will have a note sent home as well as missed recess.

3. Lost Privilege: If you coninute breaking the rules, you will lose certain privileges in the classroom (such as technology).