Frequently Asked Questions

Weather: We will not go outside if the temperature is below 40 degrees or above 90 degrees.

Jackets: When it starts getting cold outside, make sure that you send a jacket with your child because we will go outside if weather permits.

Breakfast/Lunch/Snack: Breakfast time is at 8:20. Lunch time is at 11:20. Snack time is at 1:20. Students are allowed to bring their own lunch and snack if they would like. I will post the lunch menu weekly so you and your child can determine if they want to pack a lunch.

Birthdays: When it is your child's birthday, you can bring a dessert to share with the class. We will eat the dessert at snack time. You are also more than welcome to come to the school at this time to celebrate with the class. If you are unable to I will make sure to take pictures. I like to make all of my students feel special on their birthdays! We will sing Happy Birthday to them when walking from place to place and they will get a special birthday badge for their shirt.

Drop off/Pick up: Drop off in the morning is from 7:00-8:00 and pick up starts at 3:00. This takes place at the front of the school.

Allergies: We are a peanut free facility. If there are any other allergies I should know about, please let me know.

Parent Teacher Conferences: Parent teacher conferences take place at each quarter during the school year.

Best Way to Contact Me: The best way to contact me is through email. My email is

Where is the Lunch Menu Located: The lunch menu is located on our class website under parent information.

School Address:  200 N. Oak Street Brookland AR 72417

School Number: (870)974-9760