Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the best way to contact you?

You can email me at I check my emails regularly, and I will do my best to respond quickly. Plus, this gives me a way to remember what we have previously discussed!

2. When will my child’s homework be due?

Homework due dates depend on the assignment. I always include a specific due date on projects and homework. If it is not listed in the directions on the assignment, then it will be posted in google classroom!

3. How will my student make up missed work if they are ill or unable to come to school?

Students will be allowed one extra day to complete assignments per each day missed. If the parents wish, I can gather the materials the student needs for the day that they sick and have it waiting to be picked up in the office. All homework assignments will be posted in google classroom, as well.

4. When will Parent/Teacher conferences be held?

There is one Parent/Teacher conference held each nine weeks. These dates will be posted on the announcements page. If you would like to schedule a meeting with me, other than at Parent/Teacher conferences, please email me at

5. What time is my child’s lunch?

Our class lunch time is from 11:50-12:20, and recess is from 12:20-12:45. You can also access the lunch schedule by clicking here.

6. When is your planning period?

My planning period is during our enrichment period. This is from 10:00-11:00.

7. How can I check my students grades?

Each student is given an account to view their gradebook online. If you need your child’s information, please contact the school office. The number is (870) 972-3515. Report cards are also sent home with the students once every nine weeks.

8. How do I find the lunch menu for the week?

You can find the lunch menu by clicking here.

9. Are parents allowed to attend field trips with their students?

For any of my field trips, yes, parents can attend. However, I will need the parents to email me to let me know they are planning on attending, and they will need to provide their own transportation and food if necessary.

10. How can I stay informed about what is happening in the school and in your classroom?

I will post new announcements frequently, and I will send home newsletters each month. Both of these can be accessed here. You can access school information by visiting the School and Community Information Page.