Parent Acceptable Use Policy Information


I firmly believe in the use of acceptable use policies. By creating documents like these, it lets all who are involved know exactly what is expected of them. When you sign a document stating that you have read and agree to the terms and conditions, you cannot go back on your word. Because of this, I use an acceptable use policy in my classroom, and I strongly suggest that parents use one at home as well. I think that an at-home acceptable use policy could be beneficial to students because they have their rules and consequences written in black and white. It is up to them whether or not they follow the policy. There are so many ways that students can accidentally get themselves into trouble, especially on the internet, so I believe it is important for an acceptable use policy to be used at home.

For example, your at-home AUP could include rules and consequences like:

Jonny must unload the dishwasher everyday after school. If the dishwasher has not been unloaded, then Jonny will not be able to use his phone for the rest of the night.


Jonny must finish all of his homework before he can play on his laptop. If Jonny plays on his laptop before doing his homework, then he will not be able to play on his laptop for a week.

Below I have listed a Parent Acceptable Use Policy Template. If you would like to create your own acceptable use policy, feel free to use the template! I have also listed an expanded explanation for why I believe in the use of acceptable use policies at home below.

Parent Acceptable Use Policy Template

Explanation of AUP