Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best way to contact you?

The best way to contact me is through email at: You can also call the school office at 870-910-7823 and they can transfer you to my room. However, I am not always available by phone during the school day since I'll be teaching your kiddos!


How can I join the Remind101 notification thread?

Our Remind district code is NPSRAIDERS. Our Remind school code is NPSUHE. Our Remind classroom code is UHEGRADE2KB. You can access this through the Remind101 app.


How can I be involved in the classroom?

I LOVE having parent volunteers in the classroom! You can contact me to see if there are any upcoming opportunities such as read-alouds, parties, field trips, and many more. I will also send out opportunities in our weekly newsletters.


What happens when my child is absent?

School attendance is absolutely crucial to your child's education, but life happens and sometimes they have to miss school. You can check our classroom website to find any homework they need to complete as well as our newsletter to see what they will be missing. I will meet when them when they return to school to make sure they are caught up.


How will I know if school is closed for inclement weather or other reasons?

If school is closed due to weather or any other reason, we will send out notifications through our Remind text/app service. You can also find this information on the school website and through our local KAIT8 news station.


Will my child need to do anything on days that school is closed?

When school is closed, all students will be expected to complete AMI (Alternate Method of Instruction) work on their iPads. I will assign this work through Google Classroom as soon as we find out that school is closed.


What can I send for snack on my child's snack day?

Please send at least 20 prepackaged snacks that do not need to be refrigerated. Please do not send candy for snack. Remember, we are a nut-free school!


Can my child bring their own snack?

Your child can bring their own snack from home instead of eating what is provided. However, they are still expected to bring snack for everyone on their assigned day. Each student is allowed to have one snack during snack time.


Can I send food when it isn't my child's snack day?

You are more than welcome to send your child's snack before their assigned day, but please do not miss your day. I ask that no other foods are sent to school except what is requested for snack, parties, and any activities that we may do in the classroom.


My child has lost a jacket, lunchbox, or other personal belonging at school. What should I do?

Your child's belongings are kept in their cubby or desk in our classroom. If their things are not there, they may have been picked up and put in the lost and found. You can reach out to me or have your child let me know and I will allow them to go check during the school day.