Frequently Asked Questions
I have attempted to answer any questions you might have. If there is a questions that is not asked here, feel free to email me.

1. How can I contact Mrs. Webb?
  You can email me at  
2. How can I get involved in the classroom?
  We love parent volunteers! Please check the monthly newsletter for needed volunteers, or feel free to email me directly.  
3. Can I come eat lunch with my child?
  Of course! You just need to sign in at the office and either bring your lunch or lunch money. Our lunch starts at 12:10 everyday.  
4. How much recess time does my child get?
  We have two recesses everyday. The morning recess is 20 minutes and the lunch recess is 30 minutes.  
5. What is the daily schedule?
  You can find our daily schedule here.  
6. How will I receive information about field trips, grades, etc.?
  We send out a monthly newsletter as well as notes in your child's folder about important events. You can also check out the announcements section of the website if you think you missed something.  
7. What is the school's snow day policy?
  If there is a suspected snow day coming, we will send AMI packets home with your student or they can find it on our google classroom. You will receive announcements about school closing by phone call, our school website, and through the local news channel.  
8. What do I do if my child has to miss school?
  You can check out the What Are We Doing section of the website to see what your student missed. You can also email me to let me know. We will catch your student up as soon as possible, and when they come back I will clear up any confusion.  
9. How can I find out what my child is doing in class?
  You can check out the What Are We Doing section of the website. It is updated regularly to reflect what we have been doing.  
10. Can I bring food to celebrate my child's birthday?
  Yes, as long as it is store bought and not opened. Also, It must be nut free.  
11. How can I contact the school?
  Here is the link to the school's contact information.  
12. Where can I find my child's homework?
  Here is the link to my homework page.  
13. What time is my child expected to be in class before being counted tardy?
  School begins at 8:00 everyday. I take attendance first thing in the morning.  
14. How will my child take their medication at school?
  The nurse is in charge of all medicine at school. She keeps the medicine and has a schedule for when they need to take it. She will make sure that your child gets called out of class to take it everyday.