Frequently Asked Questions

1. How can we contact you?

My email is Feel free to email me at anytime!

2. Will my child have a lot of homework?

Most work will be completed in class, but there will be some homework.

3. How can I check my child out of class?

At the office, you will have to present an ID and sign your child out if you are on the students list and elligible to do so.

4. At what time does school begin and end?

School begins at 8:00 am and ends at 2:55pm Monday through Friday.

5. Can I eat lunch with my child?

Absolutely, you will just have to sign in at the office and wear a visitors pass sticker.

6. If my child needs to take medication, how will I be able to make sure this happens?

The school nurse is in charge of medications and should be notified of the situation of your child so that they can be taken care of.

7. What is recess like at this school?

The kids have one recess per day that lasts for 30 minutes after lunch.

8. How can I help?

You can become a parent volunteer by emailing me and filling out a small information sheet. We love when parents volunteer!

9. How can I contact the school?

Information can be found on the homepage of our schools website!

10. What should I do if my child cannot come to school one day?

If I am notified at least by the day before, I can send your child home with their assignments so that they will not fall behind.