1. Will my child have homework?

Your child will have homework, but not an overbearing amount. Most of the homework will be reading with your child and finishing assignments that they did not turn in during class time.


2. How will you respond if or when my child is struggling in the classroom?

If your child is struggling, I will definitely contact you to see if you as a parent have any tips or tricks to help your student.  I will encourage you to work on the subject your student is struggling in at home a little bit each day. I will do everything in my power to help your child succeed.


3. How will my child be creative in your classroom?

 We will have many creative opportunities. Aside from going to art once a week, we will have drawing and art assignments to go along with lessons as often as I possibly can. We will have music in lessons and playing when I can as well.  


4. What type of assessments will be used in your classroom?

I will give out paper tests, quizzes, worksheets and class activities to be turned in and graded. My students will also have a few presentations to give to the classroom throughout the school year.


5.What can I do as a parent to help my student succeed?

As a parent, watching your child succeed is all you could ask for. This school year, you can read to your child every night, keep in contact with the teachers, work on their homework with them, study with them, allow them to watch educational programs and videos, and make sure your child is getting the most appropriate education they can.


6. How will I recieve information from you regarding my child or my child's environment?

I will email you, and if I do not get the needed response in two days time, you will recieve a phone call. If the phone call goes unanswered, You will be contacted when you drop off or pick up your child from school. If you don't do this, you will be contacted then by the school. Needless to say, I will get ahold of you somehow.


7. How will conflict be resolved in your classroom?

Conflict will be resolved between the student(s) and the teacher that is over the said student(s) unless other parties need to be involved. If the conflict is not resolved after the intitial effort, then parents will be contacted.


8. What are some examples of subjects my child will be learning about?

Your child will be educated on subject such as forces, ecosystems, life cycles, whole numbers, multiplication and division, arithmetic patterns, place value, fractions and decimals, text understanding, fables and folktales, literal and nonliteral language, perspective, founding historical documents, state and local government, state symbols, citizen rights and responsibiliites, laws, and economics.


9. How is my child protected (safety-wise) in your classroom or your care?

During the school day, all doors to any room or building will be locked and only faculty will have keys for access. No student will ever leave the classroom alone unless to go to another teacher's room, bathrooms, or the office. When outside of our classroom, we will travel as a group and our students will be counted before leaving the area, at various checkpoints throughout the journey, before we enter our destination, and when our classmates are sitting in their respective seats. We will only allow Ms. Wood to open our classroom door when someone knocks UNLESS Ms. Wood can see who it is before the door is opened.


10.   What are your teaching credentials?

I graduated from the teacher education program at Arkansas State University - Jonesboro with my Bachelor's degree (December 2022) in Elementary Education K-6 in all subject areas. I then went on to substitute in local elementary schools while going to graduate school online for my Masters in Reading (December 2023).