Frequently Asked Questions

1. How can I get more involved in my child's learning?

Answer: There are flyers sent home weekly, if not daily that infor the guardian of the student of what they are working on in class or completing and how parents can become involved with the activities at home with activity ideas. I also love to open up my classroom and invite any parents to come in and observe to see and understand what their child does on a daily basis and if there is ever an interest to be a guest speaker about something you believe is beneficial to the class then of course we can always work something out then too!

2. What is the best way to get in contact with you?

Answer: Right here

3. Where can I view  my child's grades?

Answer: On blackboard, you should have their log in information from orientation, but if it is lost just contact me and we can get you squared away!

4. What should I do if my child is absent?

Answer: Please call the office and speak to attendence. Explain whatever the situation may be, they will let me know and I will email you any work they may have missed if any.

5. Where can I see the classroom rules?

Answer: Here and on the AUP document

6. Can I join my child for lunch to eat with them?

Answer: yes you will just have to call the front office in advance so they know and there will be a table in the cafeteria where you and your child may sit and eat!

7. How do I get in contact with the right person to make sure that my child's medical needs are being taken care of?

Answer: Call the front office and they will give you to the Nurse. From there she will take down whatever information you give or send her and make sure their needs are completely taken care of. Our nursing staff is amazing and I have never had a problem with them!

8. What do I do if my child needs to take another means of transportation home?

Answer: Please call the office and inform them of this and they will take care of it from there. You can also send your child with a signed note of where he is going anf why. Another option is to just email me and tell me where they may be going and why and I too can turn that into the office. We just need the guardians approval to ensure your child’s safety!

9. How can I help out in the classroom?

Answer: I send out announcements every week if I ever need any helping hands! You can also contact me at anytime to see if there is any extra things I have going on where parents can help out more in the classroom!

10. How can I get more involved in my child's learning?

Answer: In any activity that I send hom, under “At Home Activities”, i try to make them as fun and as knowledgeable as possible. You can also help them with their homework, ask them about their school day and can just show more interest in what they are learning. If you ever have any ideas or questions too, please feel free to contact me at any time!