Parent AUP
For the school year, I have created an Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) for my class. An AUP is a list of rules that I expect your child to follow while learning in my classroom. This is important in my classroom so that my students and I are on the same page. An AUP is also important for home. An AUP allows at home parents/guardians to have rules and guidelines to protect your child. I have provided a blank template below for you to fill out for/with your child. This AUP is going to create a positive classroom setting and I hope that it creates a positive home setting as well. The AUP has been sent home for you and your child to look over, initial, sign, and return back to me. This is in order for you and your child to understand what I am looking for in my classroom.

                                                                                                            Ms. Hailey Hicks

                                                                            AUP Template