Frequently Asked Questions

1. How can I contact you?"

- I am avaliable by phone and email. I will most likely answer an email over a phone call, but I try my hardest to text back. I also send home weekly newsletters home with my students to help my parents keep up with what is going on! My email is , and my number is (870)732-6387.

2. "How can I find what my child is eating for lunch?"

- The school lunch menu is found on my school information tab! You can also access this through the school website.

3. "Can I call you during school hours?"

- Due to the short amount of time that I have with your child, I ask that all calls be made to the office and they will write your message down for me. You can also send me an email.

4.. "Do you give a lot of homework?"

- I only give homework when it is necessary. I never giv busy work to my students!

5. "What are your classroom rules?"

- My classroom rules can be found on the Acceptable Use Policy tab on my website. I will also attach them here.


 6. What is the grading scale in your classroom?

 100%-90% = A; 89%-80% = B; 79%-70% = C; 69%-60% = D; 59%-0% = F

 7. Who do I call if my child is sick and will be missing school?

 Please call the front office.  Give them the students name and reason for absence.

8. Can I come eat lunch with my child?

Yes! Parents are always welcome here at Weiner Elementary. You just need to come through the front office and sign in, our secretary will lead you to the cafeteria to eat with your child. 

9. How can I check my child's grades?

Grades are posted on HAC (Home Access Center) and I update them at the end of every week. Your username and password can be set up on the district website.





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