Frequently Asked Questions

How can I reach you after school hours with questions? You can email me at If it is an emergency, call me at (901) – 848 – 0455.

What is the best way to communicate with you? I check my email several times a day, every day. Email would be the most efficient way to contact me. I am available for parent-teacher conferences, either in person or through Zoom.

What is your grading scale? Do you round up or offer extra credit/bonus points? A = 100 - 90, B = 89 - 80, C = 79 - 70, D = 69 - 60, E = 59 - 0. I do offer extra credit opportunites and bonus points on some assignments.

What is your cell phone policy? I ask that my students do not use their cell phones for recreational use during class unless otherwise specified. If they are consistently not paying attention to the lesson due to cell phones, I will take the cell phone until the end of the class period.

What Arts programs do the school provide? The school offers an array of Arts programs! Our band is regionally ranked, and our choir is incredible. We also offer a Fine Arts Visual course, and the Theater department puts on 2 plays a year (1 per semester).  

What are the sports and extracurricular options? Lewisburg Middle offers Football, Basketball, Tennis, Volleyball, Cheer, Dance, and Soccer. We also have several clubs that students can get involved in.

How can my student get academic and personal help? Tutoring/counseling? We have High School tutors come twice a week to help in all subjects. Our counselors are certified and always ready to listen. Of course, I am always available and willing to help students if they are having any trouble, whether it is personal or academic related.

Can students pick their own seats or is there a seating chart? Students are allowed to choose where they sit in the classroom. I will separate students if there is a conflict, such as bullying or misbehavior.

Will there be field trips? Are there forms to sign to allow my student to leave campus? Yes, we will take physical field trips as well as virtual field trips. There will be forms to sign if we take the students off campus.

Does the school offer free and reduced lunch? Yes, there is an option for free and reduced lunch. The link to the school website can be found on the Parent Page.

How can grades be checked? Do we get report cards? Grades can be accessed through PowerSchool.  There will be report cards sent home every 9 weeks, but they can be requested earlier.

Are there opportunities for parents to get involved with the school? Yes! We have a great PTA program that meets once and month and helps at student events, such as NHS Induction and sporting events.

Does the school offer volunteer opportunities for students? We offer service-based learning, which allows students to apply their learning to the real world and help solve a problem in their community. Last year, our 8th grade class built a community garden and planted vegetables for the community!