Online Safety  


It is incredibly important that we stay safe online, and I am committed to keeping my students safe as they use technology. Here are a few things to remember when using the Internet:

·  Keep personal information to yourself. NEVER tell someone where you live, what school you go to, how old you are, what your parents’ names are, what car your parents drive, what church you attend, or anything of that nature.

·  Keep privacy settings ON. Marketing sites want to know what you are looking at, but so do hackers. Do not allow apps or websites to run in the background or access your location.

· Choose strong passwords. Do not use your name and try to use numbers AND symbols when possible.

· Be careful about what you post. Do not post pictures that have your address or the outside of your home in them. Deleting something from the Internet does not always ensure that copies that other people made are not out there. Think twice before posting any picture or status.

· Practice safe browsing. Do not click on untrusted websites and never click on unreliable advertisements. Hackers tend to lure victims in by using interesting headlines or thumbnails as bait. DO NOT FALL FOR IT. Always ask if you have any doubt.

· Be careful about what you download. Many times, viruses can be attached to games and other compelling content.

The United States Department of Justice website offers a resource about how to keep kids safe online. I recommend browsing their tips and additional resources.

Take this Digital Risk Assessment to test your knowledge about digital safety!