1. What is the school's phone number?

The school's phone number is (573)-432-5764

2. When can I meet with Ms. Hay about my child's behavior or grades?

My prep period is from 10:15-11:15. We can meet anytime between then or before or after school.

3. What is the best way to get in touch with Ms. Hay?

The best way to reach me is by email. My email is elizabet.hay@smail.astate.edu. If it is an emergency please call the school office at (573)- 432- 5764 and they will get the message to me.

4. How will I know my child's grades?

We have a parent portal system where you will have access to your child's grades. I will update grades every Friday after school. There is also a report card sent home every seven weeks.

5. What are your classroom rules?

My classroom rules can be found on my classroom AUP. I will also be sending home a copy of the classroom AUP, so your student knows what is expected of them in my clasasroom.

6. What should I do if I have any concerns about my child?

Please contact the school at (573)- 432- 5764 or you can contact me at my email elizabet.hay@smail.astate.edu!

7. What do I need to do if my child is absent?

If your child is going to be absent please call in the morning and let the school know! I will then have all assignments collected for the student to give them when they return. They will then have 3 days to complete and return the assignments to me.

8. Can I bring my child lunch and if so, can I eat with them?

Yes, of course you can bring your child lunch! You can also eat with them if you choose to, just be sure to check in with the office!

9. What time is lunch?

Our class's lunch will be from 11:20-11:45!

10. How can I get involved?

I will send out a letter at the beginning of every month listing psrent involvement oppotunities. Just contact me the date and times you would like to come help!