Frequently Asked Questions

1. What does AUP stand for?
     Acceptible Use Policy

2. How can I check my child's grades?
    All grades are available and up to date on the Home Access Center (HAC).

3. How should my child turn in their homework?
All homework will be sent home in a paper copy. Any online assignments finished at home can be turned in on google classroom.

4. What time does my child go to lunch?
The 4th grade has lunch/recess from 11:30AM - 12:15PM.

5. What time does school dismiss?
School dismisses at 3:00PM.

6. Where can I assess the Student Handbook?
The Student Handbook is available on the school's website.

7. When is the State-Wide testing?
This year, the 4th grade will test April 15th and 16th.

8. What is my child's school account username?
The school account usernames are first initial last name ex)

9. What is my child's school account password?
The school account passwords are first initial last initial birth month birth day ex) eh1027.

10. When is the last day of school?
This year, the last day of school is Thursday, May 24th.








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