1. How can I contact you? You can contact me by email (evyn.graham@smail.astate.edu) or by my cell phone(901-326-3891). I would be happy to set up an appointment with you to talk in person. Feel free to contact me anytime.

  2. How can I view my child's homework assignments for the week? I currently have a google sites page just for homework. You are more than welcome to take a look at all the homework avaliable. I have included due dates for your convience. You can locate this through google, or through a shared link in Academic Info, in the navigation bar at the bottom of the page or by clicking here.

  3. Where can I find the lunch menu? The lunch menu link can be found in the School Information page.

  4. Can parents help out in the classroom? yes, of course! When an event or party is coming up, I will notify all parents and attach a sign up sheet for everyone to fill out if they wish to attend.

  5. If my child has to miss school, what do I do? Contact me and let me know when they will be missing. I will arrage a time for them to make up any work we may have done in class. Please contact me if you have any questions.

  6. Can treats be brought to class for birthdays? Of course! Please provide enough for the entire class. I will send out an allergy list at the beginning of the year, and it will also be posted on my Student Information page. Please plan accordingly or the treats will not be provided to the class.

  7. What is the school's office phone and the school's address? 870-910-7823 & 300 Bowling Lane Jonesboro, Arkansas 72401

  8. How will my child take their medication at school? All medicines are turned into the school nurse's ofice, and he/she will keep them there. Your child will be called out of class at the tie they are supposed to take their medicine.

  9. When are parent/teacher conferences? Conferences are held every nine weeks. You can sign up for a specific time slot or just walk in the night of. I will be sendig out information and sign up options 2 to 3 weeks before.

  10. Will there be seasonal parties? Yes! I love holidays and the start of new seasons. If your family does not observe certain holidays, please let me know. I would like to make specific arrangments during party times. We will be having parties on the following days

    • first day of each new season

    • friday's before holiday breaks

    • holidays that fall on school days (ex: halloween)

  11. How will we (teacher/parent) keep in touch? I will send out a weekly newsletter, monthly calender, and will send notificatios and updates through ParentSquare.


If you have any questions, again feel to contact me anytime.