Frequently Asked Questions

     What is the best way to contact you?

- I prefer to be reached by email. (


How do I know if my child has homework or not?

- Students will be sent home with a folder each week. Guardians must sign a form inside the folder before sending it back to the school with their child. All homework assignments are uploaded on my website as well.


How will my child obtain missed assignments when absent from school?

- Students will have an absence folder that contains all of the assignments they missed during their absence. Students will collect their folder when returning to school.


How can I become a parent volunteer?

- Parent involvement forms are sent home early in the school year. Feel free to email me anytime if you have additional questions about volunteering


What time is my child expected to be in class before being counted tardy?

- Our schools tardy bell rings at 8:05 A.M.


How do I find out more information about my child's teacher?

- There is an About Me section on the Teacher Information page.


How do I learn more about bullying prevention?

- On the Advocacy page, there is information about bullying with links to websites with help and tips to prevent bullying.


Where do I find the classroom rules?

- Ms. Busby's classroom rules are located on the Acceptable Use Policy page.


When are you avaliable for meetings/conferences?

- I am avaliable for meetings/conferences during my planning period 10:00-10:45. You may email me to set up a meeting.


Can I bring my child lunch?

- Absolutely! You will need to speak with the main office.