Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • What is the best way to reach the instructor? A: Through email or, if urgent, text message is acceptable. Both can be found under the page information about me.

  • When will grades be posted? A: Grades will be posted throughout the year, usually two class periods following the item being taken.

  • How do you grade? A: I do not curve and the grading scale will be the typical format 90-100 being an A and so forth.

  • What is your policy on late grades? A: I will aceept late assignments up to two class periods following its due date with a penalty of a letter grade per class period.

  • Do you grant bonus? A: There will be the opportunity for bonus assignments, which are primarily used to increase a test grade. The scoring of this will be on my own basis.

  • Are you openly communicative with parents in regards to classroom instruction and child performance? A: I believe that it is vital for the parents to be informed of their child's education and so I will be very open with the parents on the students performance in class.

  • Will there be any planned field trips? A: I do plan on trying to plan a trip to a museum to study some American history, though that will be a tenative date with determination throughout the semester.

  • What type of educator do you consider yourself? A: I tend to stray towards a more traditional model of teaching, but try to use technology integration, socrative methodology, and behaviorism approaches to engage students more.

  • Will you teach any types of local history? A: If the situation presents itself, I will absolutely try to add in some local history because I feel it is vital for students to understand their local histories. Unfortunately that may not always be possible when considering the field of history we will be studying.

  • Are you capable of providing equal education for students with learning disabilities? A: Yes, we will collaborate with the special education department, school, parents of the LD student, and all other appropriate channels to ensure the LD student recieves the best possible education.










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