Frequently Asked Questions

1. How can I contact you?

You can contact me at my email( or by my cell phone (501-210-5980). I would love to answer any questions you have. Feel free to contact me at any time, but just note that I may take longer to respond at night and on the weekends.

2. Where can I find the lunch menu?

The lunch menu can be found here.

3. Where can I view my child's take-home assignments for the week?

You can find the take-home assignments here.

4. When are parent/teacher conferences?

Conferences will be held at the end of every 9 weeks, and these dates will be sent home with your child several weeks in advance.

5. How can I know about upcoming events?

The announcements page can be found here, which has upcoming classroom announcements and monthly newsletters.

6. What do I do if my child misses school?

If your child misses school, please contact me. I will meet with your child when they come back to school and give them any assignments that need to be made up.

7.  How many students are in your class this year?

This year there are 19 students in my class.

8. Can I eat lunch with my child at school?

Yes! You can come to the school at your child's lunch time and sign it at the front desk.

9. Can my child bring special treats for their birthday?

Your child can absolutely bring treats for their birthday, as long as their is enough for the entire class. Please also make sure that the desserts are peanut free! Let me know in advance that you are planning to bring treats so I can plan accordingly.

10. How do you view education?

Click here to read all about my philosophy of education!