Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How can I check my child's grades?

A: Grades are posted on HAC (Home Access Center) and I update them at the end of every week. Your username and password can be set up on the district website.

Q: Where can I access the school menus?

A: You can access menus here or on the district website.

Q: Can I check my child out of school?

A: You can check out your child. You are required to sign them out at the front office and they will call your child there.

Q: How many absences can my child miss?

A: Your child is allowd to miss no more than eight days in the duration of a semester. Please refer to the student handbook for more information.

Q: Where can I find the school bus routes?

A: You can find bus routes here.

Q: Is there a school dress code?

A: Yes, there is a school dress code. This can be found in our student handbook on pages 124-125. You can find a digital copy of the handbook here.

Q: What is the inclement weather policy?

A: In case of a school closing, an annoucement will be posted on local tv stations, radio stations, and through the district’s alert messaging system. If an announcement is not made, school will be in session.

Q: How can I turn in documentation for an excused absence or tardy?

A: Documentation for excused absences or tardies may be turned in at the office.

Q: What is the activity schedule for our class?

A: Our activity schedule can be found here.

Q: What is the district's alert system?

A: The system provides immediate information to parents/guardians concerning school closings and other school events. The alerts will be automatically sent to the phone numbers each campus has on file for each student.