Frequently Asked Questions  
What is your policy on cell phones? I allow my students to use their cell phones with my permisson, or if it is an emergency!
What is your grading scale like? A (90-100) B (80-89) C (70-79) D (60-69) F (59 and below)
What are your policies on late work? I give my students free range when it come to late work. I will give the students enough time to turn in or redo assignements for full credit in two weeks after the deadline.
How do I get in contact with you? My email is or you can call the school during school hours.
What happens on snow days? I will send out information on what is called an AMI day. It is required by the district.
Is there a way to help my child with their studies outside of school? Yes! If you look at the student information tab, I have included many different resources for each subject to help with at home practice.

How can I get involved with the class? We have many events that parents can sign up for over the year, including fundraisers and community events.
How do I find what is happening during the month? I upload a newsletter each month about the ongoing activities in the classroom.
What happens when the children leave school for curricular activities? If there are any field trips during the year, I will send home a notice along with a permission slip!
How do I see my child's progress through the semester? I will send out progress reports along with a parent-teacher conference. If you would like to contact me for a private conference, please email me!


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