Frequently Asked Questions

Who can you go to if you have problems?
Students will be surrounded by teachers, staff, and principals that are more than willing to sit and listen or talk to about any concerns, personal or academic.

When is homeroom?
Homeroom is considered your 1st period class.

What if my child wants to switch classes?
Contact our school counselor for any class change requests.

What is the bell schedule or when is my child's lunch time?
Please see the Bell Schedule for any questions regarding times of class periods or lunch schedules.

Does everyone have access to a locker?
Lockers may be rented at open house or through the office for $2.00 for the entire year.

What if I have a problem with my locker?
Please visit with our office administrators if you have any locker issues.

Do I need a lock for my locker?
A lock and the combination is provided for each student that rents a locker.

What is the cost for breakfast & lunch, and how do we pay?
Unless your child receives free or reduced meals, Breakfast is $1.75 and Lunch is $2.25. Every student has a numerical Lunch/School ID to imnput when getting a meal. A meal account is provided for every student and may be payed online or via the school office. To pay online, please access EZSchool Pay and use your child's information to connect and pay Otherwise, you may send check or cash to the school office. All students are allowed to charge to their account and will never be turned away for a meal request.

When do we need to be at school?
The tardy Bell rings and classes begin at 7:52am. We do allow students to come inside the gym and wait for the start of the day as early as 6:30am to ease the needs of working parents.  If you arrive after 8:00am, you're parent/guardian must sign you in at the office.

What if my child misses the bus?
If your student misses the bus, they must find a ride to school and be checked in at the office.

Where do I pick my child up from school?
Car Rider may be picked up infront of the school building from 3-4:00pm. There will be a teacher on duty from 3-3:30pm.

What if I need to speak with my child's teacher?

Each teacher has specific communication protocals that work best for them individually. If you have issues communicating with a teacher, please contact the office.

Can we bring cellphones to school?

Cellphones are allowed, however school policy is to have all phones turned off and unused during classtime.

How can I check my child's grades?
All students have an access code for checking scores, as do parents through the Home Access Center. If you have misplaced your login information, please contact the office for assistance.

For any additional questions or concerns, please contact your child's teacher or the office.