Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I contact Miss Alexis?

A: Contact me anytime through my email
Q: I am a very involved parent and like to know what is going on in my child's class and what their grades are looking like. Will you be updating us parents frequently?

A: I will be sending home updated grade reports every 3 weeks but any other information needed to know about class can be found under ANNOUNCEMENTS. Located there is my classroom weekly newsletter/fridge facts, permission slips, upcoing events, school calendar, and the lunch menu.
Q: We are taking a trip or for personal reasons my child will be missing school. Can I have all of their make up work at once?

A: Yes, all assignments/make up work will be found under HOMEWORK.
Q: My chlid feels as if they're being picked on in school and is really nervous to speak up. How an I get them to do the responisble thing and come to you?

A: I have two boxes set up for my students to come to me with personal questions, concerns, or even suggestions. One is in my reading library next to my desk and the other is in the hall next to the classroom door. Students can be anonymous or put their name. It is their choice and I wil address each situation appropriatly.
Q: If I need to speak face to face with you, do I need to make an appointment?

A: Email me first and I will get back to you on the best posssible time outside of class.
Q: It is my child's birthday. Can I send cupcakes or little treat bags?

A: Yes, please contact me through email first, send enough for the whole class, and make sure its nut free products.



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