Frequently Asked Questions
What is the best way to contact Ms. Pfeifer?
You can email me at or text me at (XXX)XXX-XXXX.
How can I help my child be successful in Ms. Pfeifer's class?
Always read the newsletters so you can always know what is going on in the classroom. Get invovled in the class, volunteer in the classroom or for filed trips, and stay in contant with me.
What if my child misses a day?
Bring a note to excuse the absent and have your child check the absent folder to see what assignments were missed.
When is your Prep period?
4th period; 10:45-11:30
Can I bring my child lunch?
Yes, but it must be dropped on in the middle school office.
How do you set up your exams?
I set up each exam a little different, however you can expect a mix of mulitple choice, short answer, and true false.
What is your grading scale?
100-90=A; 89-80=B; 79-70=C; 69-60=D; 59-50=F.
Do you offer extra credit?
Yes I do, however, I only give extra credit when I see a real effort is being made.
What is your cell phone policy?
I do not allow cell phones in my class, however, emergency situations are accepted.
Is there any tutoring servicies I need to know about?
Yes! I offer tutoring for my students on a need basis. The school also has an afterschool program.





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