Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How can I contact Mrs. Tammy?

A: You can contact me anytime at

Q: Am I allowed to eat lunch with my child?
A: Unfortunately, due to Covid-19 we are unable to allow any visitors into the building at this time. During normal school years we welcome you to eat with your child!

Q: Do you need supplies throughout the year?
A: Yes! We also need hand sanitizers, kleenex, clorox wipes, and glue sticks any time throughout the semester. Feel free to send some at any time.

Q: Lunch is at 10:30, so will my child receive a snack before coming home?
A: YES! I will periodically ask for snacks for our classroom about once a month. They need to be individually wrapped and nut free.

Q: Is there a way to see the breakfast/lunch menu everyday?
A: Yes please follow this link to get to the menu. Greene County Tech Primary | Greene County Tech School District (
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