More Recess
Teachers and administrators everywhere are keeping recess from students to punish them for misbehaving, but when children take part in recess, they are recieving many benefits! Children need recess and it is a proven fact. Recess can increase focus, reduce stress, and develop social skills.

Cognitive Benefits: Research has proven that when children go through recess, it made them more attentive and more productive while in the classroom (Jarrett, O.J. Education Research, 1998.)

Social & Emotional Benefits: While at recess, students have the opportunity to practice social skills with their peers, and they also learn communication skills. Recess also allows students to express their creativity (National Association of Sport and Physical Education, 2004.)

Physical Benefits: While at recess, students recieve benefits for their overall health and well-being. When students participate in recess, it contributes to the "60 minutes of physical activity for a day," that are recommended for children (Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Recess Rules, 2011.)

Below you will find a website discussing the importance of recess to elementary children.

Why Kids Need Recess