Mrs. Worthington’s Acceptable Use Policy


                                  In order to have a successful, fun, and safe year, I would like to put guidelines in place so the students know my expectations from the start!

My students are capable of ss  much, and want them  to grow and learn as much as possible this year. I’m am very excited to kick off the new school year with my first graders!


Basic Classroom Rules:

1.      Be Kind to one another

2.      Do your best work

3.      Take care of our classroom

4.      Do not talk when Mrs. Worthington is talking

5.      Follow Directions


Rules for using Technology in the Classroom:

1.      If using the IPad, hold with both hand

2.      Wash your hands before using the technology

3.      Only use approved websites and apps

4.      Return your devise to the correct spot when finished

5.      Treat your devise with respect and care


Things We Don’t Want To Do When Using Technology:

1.      Give out personal information or passwords

2.      Change the settings on the computer

3.      Cyberbully

4.      Going to websites that may be unsafe or inappropriate

5.      Eat or Drink


*Disclaimer: Rules can be changed or altered based on class activity and behavior


Additional Information:


Plagiarism is defined as using another person’s work, ideas, and facts as if they were your own without giving credit to the original source. It is okay to learn from other people, just make sure you give them credit. I will expand on how to do this at a later date.

Copyright Information

If something is created by somebody else, they have the rights to it and permission is needed to use their work. This can include pictures, music, or documents. Remember, just because it is on the internet doesn’t mean it’s public property.

Fair Use Policy 

Fair use is a very important aspect of copyright laws for teachers. In most instances, a teacher is able to use copyrighted information because it is not being sold for profit and is used as a resource to the classroom.















Consequences For Breaking The Rules:

1.      Warning

2.      Refocus-Think about why you are making these choices

3.      Note Home to Parents/Guardian


*Disclaimer: Consequences subject to change due to severity/repetitive behavior










I have read the acceptable use policy and will follow the rules of Mrs. Worthington’s classroom

Signature:                                                                                            Date:





I have review the rules and consequences with my child          


Signature:                                                                                            Date:





* Please return by Friday