Personal Educational Philosphy

Why I teach? To inspire students to think and be able to make wise decisions to better themselves as they enter their future.

The School is an essential part of society. A school is where students come to observe and learn principles, skills, and where they pick up certain traits.


The student is the purpose of education, the student is who teachers work for, to prepare them for the future. The student is to learn and to prepare for what is next in their lives.


The role of the teacher is to prepare their students to what is next in their lives, whether that be the next grade, college, a career, or for students to become independent. The teacher is to pass on what they know to their students, teachers should bring out the best in their students. The teacher should not be biased but open-minded and never give up on their students. Our goal should be for our students to be better people than when they began our class. Teachers must do whatever it takes to meet the various needs of their students.


The curriculum is the language of the class, I believe it should challenge students, it should never be the same to meet different student’s needs.


Assessment is important, but it doesn’t define who a student is, or what a student is capable. I am more concerned with what students have learned, rather than knowing they can recall and memorize information. I want to see progress in my students through assessment.


The Family is just as if not more important than the teacher. Family is who students go home to every night, they are around them much longer than any teacher. How a student is treated or taught at home can make a difference in how they perform in the classroom and the workplace. A parent has power to shape who their student is. A family can make or break a student.

Last Updated 4/7/2021